Thursday, November 25, 2010

Totally Postal Thursday

Well, this week was once again a fantastic week. I did not spend any money on books this week. Some great things happened this week though. Barnes and Noble started shipping their Nook color, no I didn't get one but I'm such a gadget freak I feel like I WANT one. I've been good though. My giveaway seems to be going well so far...thanks everyone who have entered so far. This is a short week for work and even though Thanksgiving isn't technically a holiday I grew up with, I'm happy to celebrate and give thanks. Oh, and I almost forgot, Barnes and Noble provided us with an upgrade to our Nooks that I think is a pretty neat upgrade. 

  • Three Seconds - Anders Roslund (B&N First Look book club ARC)
  • Skinny Cocktails - Free Friday Nook Book
So what made you totally postal this week? You can make a post on your own blog, list all the books you’ve received since last Friday and then tell us how you got them and where on your TBR list they will be and then link up (direct URL, please) here:


  1. Totally posted, as in irritated? If so, I would have to say the woman that cut to the front of the very long women's restroom line at the Denver airport last Sunday when I was on my way home from the cruise. Talk about rude!!! What did she think the 10 other women in line were waiting for? A chance at the mirror?!?!

  2. Yeah, now I definitely would have lost my mind at that one. How rude. Did anyone say anything at all to her?

  3. Nope--I think we were all in shock!!!
